Welcome to Freshman Composition

This is our class website, with assignments, study sheets, videos, and other resources to help you have a successful semester.

In this first-year composition course, you will gain practice in invention, drafting, and revising of various genres for different purposes and audiences. You will work independently and also collaborate with others. I want to see everyone learn and grow, and I’ll do everything I can to help you.

You don’t need to buy anything for this course, except I would like everyone to have a paper notebook and pen because at times we will do free writes. Also, taking notes by hand helps you learn and grow.

Getting feedback is important to improve your writing, and I will give you written responses so that you can revise your work.  Also, you’ll get feedback from peers.

There will be an emphasis on the connection between writing, reading, and critical thinking. To be a good writer, you have to read on a regular basis.

I will do everything I can do to support you, but you must take responsibility for following along and keeping abreast of what is required.


Please try to have a City mail email in Blackboard. It will be easier for me to contact you that way. If you don’t, you can change it here:
